Your business should be saving thousands a month — why aren’t you?
Every business owner can agree that opening a business and running it on a day to day basis is nothing but easy. With the long hours, planning and set backs it’s all worth it when you start to build the business of your dreams. But many business owners never get that far because of the monetary cost it requires to just open the doors for the first time.
Entrepreneurs have accepted there has to be a high cost to do business. However, you don’t have to spend thousands anymore to make a profit. Did you know that there’s an alternative that is saving the next generation thousands in fees alone? This is why restaurants, food trucks and hospitality groups are switching to CASHDROP Point Of Sale.
CASHDROP provides a point of sale complete with every feature you need to run your business. This includes online ordering, customer marketing, digital order display systems and a robust reporting system — all at NO COST to you. To give you an example, to get started with Square — it costs an average of $2,738 just to operate for your 1st month of business and $3,633.30 with Toast. When you use CASHDROP, it’s $0 to get started and you will never pay merchant fees. The choice is easy, now all you have to do is switch over and start seeing the savings!